Sunday, August 30, 2015

WWE Takes Over Brooklyn: The Winners & Losers

What's happening everybody?!  Glad you're back with me another week.  Last weekend was a big weekend for the WWE, as they took over Brooklyn for three straight days.  The first event was NXT's Takeover special entitled "Brooklyn".  For the first time in NXT's history, the developmental league of WWE was in a major arena for a Takeover show.  The results of NXT Takeover: Brooklyn?  Incredible show...but that's a mute point, as they always manage to put on outstanding shows.  Here are the results:

Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs. Tyler Breeze

This was a special night for NXT in many different ways, but one of the biggest reasons was for the debut of Japanese legend and high flying innovator, Jushin "Thunder" Liger.  The Brooklyn crowd was truly enamored with adulation and respect for the icon, but he was put to the absolute test with the so-called "Sultan of Selfies".  This match somewhat resembled Liger's matches with the late Brian Pillman in the early-mid nineties in WCW.  However, in spite of Breeze's excellent efforts, they weren't enough for the fifty-year-old that showed this young generation that he can still hang with anyone, as he won with the running Liger Bomb.

Winner: Jushin "Thunder" Liger

NXT Tag Team Championships
The Vaudevillains vs. Blake & Murphy w/ Alexa Bliss (c)

The next encounter was for the NXT Tag belts, as Simon Goch and Aiden English, collectively The Vaudevillains, faced off against the rapidly improving team of Blake & Murphy.  They of course had Alexa Bliss in their corner, and this wasn't a bad match.  I continue to see the great chemistry and in-ring work of Blake & Murphy, as they're slowly reminding me of a young Beautiful Bobby and Sweet Stan of The Midnight Express.  Bliss decided she wanted to get involved, and that's when NXT residential favorite, Blue Pants, made her way to the ring to an awesome pop from the fans.  Once BP mobilized Bliss, The Vaudevillains went to work, and as a result, became the NEW NXT Tag Team Champions!

Winners & New Champs: The Vaudevillains

Apollo Crews vs. Tye Dillinger

This was the anticipated debut of the former Uhaa Nation of the indies and Dragon Gate.  Let me tell you, this guy has it all, and that's not being cliche.  He's a power guy that is also a flyer.  Hard to come by these days.  He didn't have it easy though with "The Perfect Ten", but Apollo ultimately defeated him with his Powerlift/standing moonsault combo.  Does he have the makings to be a huge star?  Absolutely.  Will he be?  It's up to Vince and booking.  I have little to no doubt in him.  Nowadays booking tends to be all over the place and not be consistent.  In any case, great debut showing by Apollo Crews.

Winner: Apollo Crews

Samoa Joe vs. Baron Corbin

This was a battle of two big bulls and this wasn't pretty.  We all know the capabilities of the "Samoan Submission Machine", but now we get to see how he does against a relative rookie in Baron Corbin, who has been very much impressive since his debut just over a year ago.  As good as Corbin looked in this match, in fact getting a few really near falls, Joe was just the man again, and the former multi-time World Champion got the win with the Kokina Clutch.

Winner: Samoa Joe

NXT Womens Championship:
Bayley vs. "The Bo$$" Sasha Banks

All I can say is  WHAT A MATCH!!!  Brooklyn gave the challenger a decent ovation, but Barclays Arena was clearly in favor of "The Bo$$".  This match was one of the most fantastic matches we've seen all year, and it came from the NXT women.  Banks was often times going after the injured hand of the young gutsy challenger and exhibited offense that continues to show why she may be pound for pound the best female competitor in either the NXT or main roster locker room.  However, it came down to a reverse huracunrana and a Bayley-To-Belly to put the NXT Womens Champion down for the three count, and a new champion was crowned.  The crowd exploded over the win, but later gave an awesome standing ovation for Charlotte, Becky Lynch (who both came out to ringside to congratulate Bayley) and Sasha, who tearfully came back in the ring to hug her opponent in a very emotional moment.  These four young ladies represent the change for the women's division for either locker room, and were united as The Four Horsewomen.  A memorable moment that will be remembered as one of the best moments of the year in NXT.  What a wonderful story: the young, underdog challenger who has failed in attempts before to go after the title to finally win the big one, much like Sami Zayn did the NXT Title almost a year ago against Adrien Neville.  Now, this tough lady from Cali won the big one, and what a hell of a match it was.  Not to mention, an emotional post-win locker room interview with her and her family on top of it all.  To Vince and the booking department of WWE: THIS is how you book women wrestling.  Get a clue!  From Charlotte vs. Natalya, Paige vs. Emma, Becky vs. Sasha, and the Fatal Four Way match for the NXT Womens Title, they get it, and it works...damn well at that.  The people are booing this "Divas Revolution" because it's forced, plus there's no need to keep shoving in peoples faces the progression and evolution of women in sports like the Williams Sisters or Ronda Rousey.  I will get into that area next week.  Right now, let's celebrate the much deserved win of Bayley (the fact that she dedicated the match to her mentor and teacher, the late , great "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, by wearing polka dot wrist bands was cool as hell too).

Winner and new NXT Womens Champion: Bayley

NXT CHampionship/Ladder Match
Finn Balor (c) vs. Kevin Owens

The women's title match was a hard one to follow, and normally I would say to people to just go home because that couldn't be topped or matched.  I was half right.  The second half of the double main event didn't top it, but it definitely matched it.  Owens is no stranger to ladder matches, as he is well known for his EPIC ladder match in ROH against Sami "El Generico" Zayn.  This was a rematch from WWE's Beast In The East special event in japan, where Balor defeated Owens in a great, great match to win the title.  In this one, the physicality was stepped up in big time fashion, as both men threw all they had at each other.  The end result was Balor's Coup De Grace finisher from the top of the ladder, then he climbed up and retrieved the belt.

All in all, this was yet another victory for the NXT brand, and it's starting to really show that NXT is for the WRESTLING fan, and not the casual sports-entertainment fan.  NXT has grown into a formidable brand alongside ROH ( I can't include TNA because of the disappointing material we've gotten from them on a weekly basis) and GFW.  Kudos to Triple H for bringing back an awesomely worked show and a brand that continues to grow in popularity because of one word: hunger.  These kids in NXT are hungry and aren't totally bogged down by inconsistent, flighty booking teams.  This event gets a 4/5.

The next night, however, was Summerslam.  One would imagine that Summerslam would at least attempt and come close to putting on a compelling show like their minor league brand did.  My hope was for that to happen, and for it to be an impressive show.  Was I wrong?  Truthfully yeah sort of.  Was it a disgrace?  No, but for a lineup and card like it had, it should've been a HELL of a lot better than it was.  Let's get into it.

Randy Orton vs. Shaemus

Typical match opener with two men that we've seen fight over and over and over and over again.  Shaemus got the win, but nothing special here.

Winner: Shaemus

WWE World Tag Team Championship/Fatal Four Way Match
Los Matadores (c) vs. The New Day vs. Prime Time Players (c) vs. Lucha Dragons

This was actually somewhat of an entertaining match.  I didn't say it was a masterpiece of artistic showmanship, I said it was entertaining.  Mostly on the part of The New Day, and their rendition of "Empire State Of Mind" that had to be heard to be believed.  Even the hardcore Brooklyn crown stood up in applause for the humor factor.  Not much of a story here due to too much going on at one time, like these Fatal Four Way matches tend to have happen.  In the end, Kofi got the win to help The New Day win their second WWE Tag Team Championship.  Of course, the next evening, they got new challengers in the returning Dudley Boyz so it'll be interesting to see how things unfold.

Winners & new champs: The New Day

Dolph Ziggler w/ Lana vs. Rusev w/ Summer Rae

Although it was good to see Ziggler back, this match was nothing special and almost walked the lines of a bore.  This was arguably the bathroom break match of the night.  The match ended up on the outside, where both men got counted out, only for the ladies to cat fight inside the ring afterwards.  Yawn!

Winner: None (double count out)

Neville & Stephen Amell vs. Stardust & King Barrett

A little bit of hype over the match as actor Stephen Amell from the Tv show Arrow finally got in-ring time and I must say he didn't look half bad.  For someone with no experience whatsoever, he looked better than some of the Tough Enough kids.  Other than Amell, I wasn't expecting a great deal out of this, and I was right.  Midway through they lost me, and at this time I just wanted to see the "Red Arrow" finisher from the former NXT Champion, and I got it.  Win for "The Arrow Brothers", but otherwise, another yawn!

Winners: Neville & Stephen Amell

WWE Inter-Continental Title/Triple Threat Match
Ryback (C) vs. The Miz vs. The Big Show

This match has been built for the last couple months but got delayed due to Ryback's staff infection.  They finally got off the ground with this, and it was no more great than I thought it was gonna be, which wasn't going to be much.  The match didn't suck, but it was damn sure average.  Show knocked out Miz then got clotheslined over the ropes by Ryback, then Ryback gets on top of an out cold Miz to pick up the win.

Winner and still champion: Ryback

Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose vs. The Wyatt Family

Finally, my interest is starting to rise a little, and I do mean a little.  This was a match I wanted to see because I'm a fan of all involved.  This was physical and was a classic fight, but in the end, it was Ambrose's "Dirty Deeds" finisher, mixed with Reigns' spear to defeat Bray and Luke.

Winners: Ambrose & Reigns

Team PCB vs. Team B.A.D. vs. Team Bella

This is the bullshit I'm talking about when it comes to the "Divas Revolution".  This is nothing against the Divas themselves, as even the Bellas have worked their asses off to at least present somewhat formidable matches lately.  The problem is the booking.  After the phenomenal match Sasha had with Bayley the night before at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn, why wasn't there one similar.  Why wasn't Nikki's title on the line in a one on one match?  This shouldn't have been a team encounter.  In any event, the action wasn't bad and each gave good to great showings.  The first team eliminated was Team B.A.D., however it was Team PCB that won with Becky Lynch's Disarmor finisher.  Let's hope this ends when Nikki finally sets the new record for being the longest reigning Divas Champion, which A.J. Lee presently holds but once she left, her legacy was on its way out as well.  Hopefully these teams can part ways and we start getting just some good ol' fashioned competition with GOOD storytelling.

Winners: Team PCB

WWE World Heavyweight Title vs. WWE U.S. Heavyweight Title
Winner Takes All
John Cena vs. Seth Rollins

This is definitely one match I was looking forward to seeing, and up until the end it was a pretty decent match.  The big match feel was clear, and there were no ill-effects from Cena's recent nose surgery from the Rollins jumping knee that caused Cena's nose to shatter.  Both men delivered, although I would seriously just stop using the springboard stunner that Cena likes to use all of the time.  However, what killed it (in a negative way) was the appearance of the host, Jon Stewart.  I'm a big Stewart fan, and was hurt when he left The Daily Show, but him being involved in the match grossly hurt it.  He came out with a chair and teased hitting Rollins but instead gut shot Cena with it and it was enough for Rollins to use the Pedigree on him for Rollins to win the U.S. Title and still be WWE Champion.  Never before has this happened, for someone to simultaneously hold two singles titles, but with Jay Lethal holding both the ROH Title and the TV Title, of course Vince is like "Anything you can do, I can do better", at least in his mind.

Winner and new U.S. Champion/still WWE Champion: Seth Rollins

Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

Another big fight feel.  This match was a straight up fight, as we knew it would be.  Taker was at times taken to "Suplex City", but Taker looked very good here also.  This was a slightly better match than their encounter at Wrestlemania 30, which honestly wasn't much to write home about.  Lesnar held Taker in his Kimura Lock armbreaker, and the bell rang suddenly.  We all thought Lesnar had once again beaten Taker, until the ref had looked at the instant replay and saw Taker tapping out his view and restarted the match due to the fact he never signaled for the bell to ring in the first place.  Taker then low-blowed Lesnar and put him in the Hell's Gate finisher, and with Lesnar flicking off Taker, he fell unconscious and Taker got the win, albeit controversially.

This event, unlike NXT's Takeover event, was just an average show and should've been a whole lot better.  This shows you the "creativity" of booking and Vince McMahon.  It's starting to be very clear that Hunter gets it, Vince doesn't only not get it, he doesn't care.  Although there weren't any disastrous matches on Summerslam, there definitely weren't any outstanding matches either, which is a shame.  This event gets a 3/5, and I can't say I'm pleased with that rating.

Just a quick FYI: I'm working things out to where hopefully very soon you'll see me with my own youtube channel for "The Wrestling Cypher".  Stay tuned, as I'll be keeping you updated.  For no, thanks for riding with me, and will catch you later this week.  Be safe, and keep being fans of the art of pro wrestling!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

NXT Takeover: Brooklyn Previews & Predictions

What's happening kiddies!  Welcome back to the latest opinions from me about the current goings-on in professional wrestling.  Next week I'll have something to say concerning the whole TNA Impact-GFW situation and how this could be either a win-win or a lose-lose situation.  More on that next week.  For now, this week is reserved for what appears to be a pretty good weekend for the WWE.  I've covered Summerslam already and my predictions.  Now it's on to NXT's newest Takeover special entitled "Brooklyn".  As with most NXT specials in the past, this has the potential to be a damn good show.  While Summerslam has the possibility of actually matching up with the entertainment and competitiveness of NXT for a change, this new NXT special could hold up quite well with some of their other specials.  While I don't see it as classic like NXT Takeover or NXT Takeover: R Evolution, this will still do very well.  Let's start shall we?

NXT Title/Ladder Match
Finn Balor (c) vs. Kevin Owens

To no surprise, this will and should be the main event.  After their excellent match in Japan at Beast In The East when Balor won the title, one could only imagine how the rematch was going to work.  I couldn't have thought of a better type of match for these two.  Owens' history with Ladder matches has been known with his fantastic, yet brutal, match in ROH with Sami Zayn, when he was El Generico.  Along with the high flying capabilities of the man formerly known as Prince Devitt, this has classic written all over it.  The last time there was a Ladder Match was when Adrien Neville defeated Bo Dallas to become NXT Champion at NXT Arrival.  Expect Finn Balor to get over in this match, thus Owens can really be a full-timer on the main roster.  This could either be a bad weekend for Owens or an okay weekend for him, depending upon if he defeats Cesaro tomorrow at Summerslam.  Regardless, expect "The Demon King" to emerge victorious.  Now about those "Paul Heyman guy" rumors...???

Winner & still champion: Finn Balor

NXT Women's Title
Bayley vs. "The Bo$$" Sasha Banks (c)

I know, I know.  these two have fought before.  Yes they have.  However, this will be the first time they've fought with Banks as the champion.  Yes I'm also aware that this isn't the first time we've seen Bayley have good momentum going into a big match or a championship match and somehow doesn't pull it off.  Call me nuts, but I think this will be different.  Not to mention, Sasha is really turning heads since she has been part of the main roster in the Divas revolution being part of Team B.A.D. (Beautiful And Dangerous).  Chances are this will be her NXT swan song, and Bayley will finally grab the brass ring.

Winner & new NXT Women's Champion: Bayley

NXT Tag Team Championship
The Vaudevillains vs. Blake & Murphy (c) w/ Alexa Bliss

Let's face it, Blake & Murphy were already a pretty good team with chemistry that resembled The Midnight Express.  However, since they managed to get Alexa Bliss on their side, they've been damn good.  At the last NXT special, NXT Takeover: Unstoppable, they defeated huge favorites Enzo Amore & Big Cass.  Now they face the very impressive Vaudevillains.  This past Wednesday, we watched as The Vaudevillains tried to let the challengers what would be in store for them, but every time they tried, they would get slapped in the face by Bliss, so as to not even utter a word.  This humiliation could be all they need to defeat the champs.  Unfortunately, I don't see that happening.  I see Blake & Murphy continuing their forward momentum as champs and staying on top of the division.

Winners & still champions: Blake & Murphy

Samoa Joe vs. Baron Corbin

This has physical written all over it.  The world-renowned "Samoan Submission Machine" has had a hell of a run with NXT, but now he'll be facing another impressive NXT talent in Baron Corbin.  While some of Corbin's steam has cooled since his debut last year, it damn sure hasn't stopped him from kicking people's asses and defeating them in quick, resounding fashion.  I do expect for the former TNA and ROH Champion to defeat Corbin, but nowhere near in easy fashion.

Winner: Samoa Joe

Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs. Tyler Breeze

What a historic moment for the WWE and NXT, as Japanese icon Jushin "Thunder" Liger is wrestling against the mega-talented Tyler Breeze.  Liger is far from a stranger here in the States, as his series of matches with the late Brian Pillman in the early to mid nineties have been placed among some of the greatest in the history of WCW.  He also has competed in TNA and ROH, as he faced the likes of Daniel Bryan and Austin Aries.  Seen as one of the revolutionaries of the high flying style so very emulated today, the fifty year old has shown he can still go with the young guys.  No disrespect to Breeze, who's a superb talent in his own right, but the legend who has won thirty-eight championships and multiple tournaments is in a class all by himself and I expect him to get the 'W' in this encounter.

Winner: Jushin "Thunder" Liger

Also, NXT Takeover: Brooklyn will mark the in-ring debut of Apollo Crews, the indie superstar formerly known as Uhaa Nation.  If you've never seen this man compete, you're in for something special, as this man has been compared to the likes of Bobby Lashley and Booker T in terms of athleticism, and then some.  For a guy his size, he can moves like staining shooting star presses and over the top cross bodies like there nothing to do.  In 2009, he suffered a near career ending knee injury that put him on the shelf for over a year, but emerged better than ever.  He'll be facing NXT vet The Dillinger in what I expect to be an impressive mainstream showing for the "One Man Nation".

As you can see, this will be quite the exciting card and one that will serve as one hell of a precursor for the next night's Summerslam.  This will be bittersweet, as this will be the first NXT special without close friend, mentor, and teacher "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, but you know he'll be smiling with that signature smile of his and will be thrilled to see his NXT kids on the biggest stage they've been on yet.  This will be a great night and an even better weekend.  Report back to me next week for the review and reaction of both Summerslam and NXT Takeover: Brooklyn.  Until next week folks, be safe, live life, and enjoy some wrestling!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Summerslam 2015 Previews & Predictions

What's happening peeps!  For once, my post isn't about any deaths or anything morbid.  Instead, it's an exciting time because it's time for the biggest event of the summer, Summerslam.  This year's event will originate from Brooklyn, NY's Barclays Arena for the first time ever.  For the past few years, Summerslam has been contested in California so moving to NY is a change, albeit not foreign.  One of the best Summerslams ever was in MSG for Summerslam '91.  This year's event has been marketed to be more like a summer version of Wrestlemania than ever before, and truthfully this is a card that somewhat reflects this concept and could actually be a fairly entertaining show.  Here is the lineup and my predictions for each match.

Winner Takes All Match
WWE World Heavyweight Title vs. U.S. Heavyweight Title
John Cena (U.S. Champ) vs. Seth Rollins (World Champ)

This has the makings to be one hell of a match, but this match is currently up in the air.  A couple of weeks ago, Rollins violently broke the nose of Cena on RAW, which resulted in emergency surgery for the former fifteen time World Champion.  The grotesque injury has resulted in him being off television since the injury.  As of this time, the match is still unknown due to no clearence from the doctor yet.  IF the match occurs, I expect Cena to come away as a sixteen time World Champion and vacate the U.S. Title.  However, stay tuned to see if the match still takes place.

Winner & new World Champ: John Cena

Return Grudge Match
Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

Since Wrestlemania XXX (30 that is), Taker has been hearing, like we all have, the constant barrage of Lesnar being "the one behind 21 and 1) from Paul Heyman, and now Taker has rightfully had enough.  Since that awesome pull-apart brawl on RAW a couple of weeks ago, Taker and Lesnar haven't been in the same building, but that may change next Monday on RAW. This is billed as the main event, but here's to hoping this match will be better than the match they had at Wrestlemania.  Taker looks as good as he's looked in years, and he's gonna have to be dealing with a red hot Lesnar.  Taker may take a trip to "Suplex City", but I expect Lesnar to get taken to the "Tombstone" and come away with his first ever win over "The Beast Incarnate".

Winner: Undertaker

WWE Inter-Continental Title
Triple Threat Match

Ryback vs. The Miz vs. Big Show

This match was just announced, as Ryback was recently cleared to compete after a severe staff infection in his right knee.  The match was originally set for last month's Battleground event, but was cancelled at the last minute due to the injury.  Now this rivalry for the belt can finally happen, and although Ryback has gained good momentum as champion, I fully expect The Miz to come away with his third title, and continue to be the insanely egotistical star he is.

Winner & new champion: The Miz

Triple Threat Divas Elimination Match
Team Bella (Brie & Nikki Bella and Alicia Fox) vs. Team PCB (Paige, Charlotte, and Becky Lynch) vs. Team B.A.D. (Naomi, Tamina Snuka, and Sasha Banks)

There is a Diva revolution folks, and they're definitely taking the bull by the horns.  Kudos to Stephanie McMahon for finally getting it, and realizing the potential the Divas division has.  While Divas like Natalya have been off television being ambassadors for the company, the on camera talent has stepped their game up in spades.  Steph brought up NXT women badasses Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and even the NXT Women Champion Sasha Banks to elevate the division.  Since then, we've had fairly fantastic matches from them.  Now it's time to see who's the best crew of the three.  I'm personally a fan of Team PCB, but I see Team B.A.D. as the new, female version of The Shield, but somehow I see Team Bella going out of this with the 'W', thus continuing their momentum.

Winners: Team Bella

WWE Tag Team Championship
Fatal Four Way Match
Lucha Dragons vs. Los Matadores vs. The New Day vs. Prime Time Players

Not really looking forward to this match truthfully because the tag division is back to suffering from sub-par talent.  Actually, I should say sub-par booking.  The Dragons are a great, lucha team with lots of exciting talent.  Los Matadores (the gimmick) is a tired concept and needs to die.  Primo & Epico were good enough without a gimmick, but these Puerto Rican bullfighters need to let it go.  The New Day has grown to be very annoying heels and it's really getting over with the fans and they enjoy booing these guys.  The PTPs have never enjoyed this kind of success, especially the dominance of Titus O' Neill.  I peronally wouldn't be surprised if The New Day beciomes champions again and in fact that's what I'm predicting.  Overall, it'll likely be a joke of a match.

Winners & new champions: The New Day

Family vs. Family
Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose vs. The Wyatt Family

This will be a hell of a tag team match with four superb competitors.  Reigns faced Bray Wyatt at Battleground but due to interference from Luke Harper, Wyatt picked up the win.  It was revealed shortly afterwards that Harper had reunited with his "brother" and that spelled tons of trouble (damn, if only Erick Rowan hadn't injured his tricept, we would have a full-fledged reunion of the entire family).  However, Reigns and Ambrose are Shield brothers and this rivalry between these four has been hard hitting.  I predict The Wyatts to win this one, but definitely not in easy fashion whatsoever.

Winners: The Wyatt Family

Grudge Match
Neville & Steven Amell vs. Stardust & King Barrett

At last, Arrow actor Steven Amell is finally going forward with his feud with Stardust.  Only now, they have backup in terms of Neville and Barrett.  I'm not expecting a classic by any means, and might walk the lines of meaningless, but at least we see how physical this actor can be in the ring with Stardust and Barrett.  I expect he and Neville to get the win.

Winners: Amell & Neville (billed as The Green Arrow and The Red Arrow)

If the Cena vs. Rollins match doesn't occur, there's word that it could be a triple threat match of Rollins, Orton, and Shaemus would be the replacement.Also, there are rumors of Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens, but Owens will also be a part of the NXT Takeover: Brooklyn special facing Finn Balor in a Ladder Match for the NXT Title.  Stay tuned next week for the finalized card but these are the matches advertised thus far.

After the unfortunate debacle that was AAA Triplemania this past Sunday, wrestling needs a great follow-up show.  I expect something very good from NXT but also from Summerslam.  This year's Summerslam, overall, looks like an intriguing show, and I'm expecting good things from this show.  I don't root for them very often compared to ROH events or even the NXT events, but I think this could be a pretty good one.  Am I expecting something as epic as Lucha Underground's Ultima Lucha event, absolutely not.  However, am I expecting something as all over the place as Triplemania XXIII? Not at all.  This event will be right in the middle, and for a change, I hope it's a hit.  Come back in two weeks for my review of the event.  Until then, have a great two weeks!