Thursday, May 21, 2015

NXT Takeover: Unstoppable Results & Review

What's going on good people?!  Thanks for coming back around to the Wrestling Cypher and hanging with me again.  I'll be going over last night's stellar NXT special and what may be to come for the stars of NXT from last night.  I've often said that NXT is what Vince McMahon's main roster should be on a regular basis.  With the unfortunate news that broke yesterday of TNA getting dropped from Destination America, the need for more alternative programming is more needed.  I know you're saying that NXT isn't alternative programming, but if you think about it, NXT is alternative to the "sports entertainment" mantra that the main roster presents.  NXT relies less on storylines per se and more on the action, physicality, and story telling that takes place in the ring.  With all that being said, let's begin the review.

The show started off with video of Hideo Itami seemingly getting assaulted by the way he was writhing in pain and clutching his shoulder in the parking lot.  Coincidentally the NXT Champion, Kevin Owens, just so happened to walk by and say, "That's a shame".  Itami will be out of action for a good portion of the year with surgery and rehab so here's to a successful recovery for one of the best to come from Japan of our era. 

The first match was supposed to feature him in a triple threat match to determine the number one contender for the NXT Title, along with former contender Tyler Breeze and the always exciting Finn Balor.  Due to the "attack" in the parking lot, it became a one on one match and both guys' entrances were noteworthy.  Breeze, as usual, went the modelesque route with his entrance.  Although it was catchy, next came Finn Balor.  Anyone who knows his history in Japan is more than familiar with his insane entrances for big matches (his love of comic books plays highly into what character he wants to be portrayed as when he goes out in front of everyone).  He came out as his alter ego, the Demon King, complete in his incredible, yet eerie, makeup and body paint, along with his creeping and crawling to the ring.  Unquestionably one of the biggest pops all night, and the only entrance to receive a "That was awesome" chant for ring entrances.  To say that Balor has it all is an understatement.  Although he has stated that he's in no rush to go to the main roster, whenever he does, he will be headlining Wrestlemania one day, no doubt about it.  As for now, hie did a great job with an equally focused "Prince Pretty".  This would've been even better with Itami, but it was a great start to the event.  Balor defeated Breeze with his Coup De Grace double stomp and is now the number one contender for the title as Owens looked on backstage.

Up next was a women's tag team match involving former NXT Women Champion, Charlotte, and Bayley against newcomer Dana Brooke and the newly heel Emma.  Not a spectacular tag match but at least the women did pretty good.  Bayley and Charlotte (Flair) won this one.

The next match was former ECW/TNA World Champion Rhyno against the man known as "The Lone Wolf" Baron Corbin.  This wasn't a pretty match, and there was one very brief instance of a "boring" chant, but at the end, Corbin nailed "The Man-Beast" with the End Of Days finisher and defeated the burly Detroit native. 

Next was the NXT Tag Team Titles, as the champions Blake & Wesley faced the always entertaining duo of Enzo Amore and Big Cass.  The two Jersey Boys had the audience in the palms of their hands and it's always a good time with them getting television time.  After Cass loudly, as usual, proclaimed the champs as "S-A-W-F-T", it was time to get it on, and this was a better match than I thought it would be.  Blake & Murphy are actually a very good team that somewhat reminds me, in terms of chemistry, of Billy & Chuck (only without the gay innuendos that we got every week from Billy & Chuck).  Near the end, NXT star Alexa Bliss came to ringside and attacked Amore and Cass' sidekick, Carmella.  With the distraction, Blake & Murphy took advantage and defeated Cass and Amore to retain the belts as Bliss walked to the back and raised the hands of the duo.

Next up was the NXT Womens Title match between the challenger Becky Lynch and the champion "The Boss" Sasha Banks.  Quite frankly folks, this was the best wrestling match all evening long and has to be considered one of the single best matches all year from either roster, male or female division.  This was an absolutely awesome match, and we saw the best effort from both young ladies that we may have ever seen from them, especially Lynch.  Lynch, who spotted orange hair and a more focused demeanor, came up just short and was defeated by Banks, but to say Lynch has officially arrived is a poignant statement.  The crowd gave her a standing ovation for about ten minutes as she was becoming increasingly emotional during this time.  A simply unbelievable effort from both women.  Lynch will make a great champion one day.  As for Sasha, this was her best match as well, but she continues to improve every time we see her.  The real life cousin of the big homie Snoop Dogg grew into her own in this match and showed she deserved the title.

Now it was time for the main event for the NXT title, as the gamie, (although less than one hundred percent) challenger Sami Zayn squared off against the ruthless, yet incredibly talented, champion Kevin Owens.  I documented their history on the last posting, but this was a fight from the word 'go'.  Near the end, Sami tried to perform a poncha, but was caught by Owens for his Lights Out pop-up powerbomb on the outside.  The match was over because Zayn could no longer defend himself, but Owens was relentless as he kept brutally beating the defenseless Zayn.  As Owens was getting his belt and a steel chair, some new music played.  Unfamiliar music.  Out came the one and only SAMOA JOE!!!!!!!!  The crowd went completely ape shit, as the man that has won over twenty championships (eleven of which with TNA) locked eyes and went face to face with Owens in an epic stare down.  These two are totally no strangers to each other from Ring OF Honor, but it has been many years since those two have fought.  The crowd went into the signature pro-Joe chant, "JOE'S GONNA KILL YOU!"  Owens eventually walked away stating that he was watching Joe, and that's how the show ended. 

This was yet another strong showing from the guys and gals at NXT.  Kudos to Triple H for his vision of NXT and these absolutely spirited shows.  Although this is not as consistently great per weekly show as Lucha Underground, these Takeover events are well worth the forgiveness.  This is the only promotion that I'm aware of that the Women's division can take control and have the best match of the evening, but what we saw with Banks and Lynch showed us it could damn sure happen.  We've seen similar memorable battles such as Charlotte vs. Natalya, Emma vs. Paige, and the Fatal Four Way match that Sasha won the title in.  I'm very proud that Sara Del Ray has taught these women what putting on true wrestling matches are like, instead of the occasional bathroom break match WWE has traditionally been known to do over the last several years.  I give this event a 4.5/5 and I have no doubt that their next special event in August will be every bit as compelling and hard-hitting as the rest.  Vince, you better put your ego and stubbornness to the side and look at what your son-in-law is doing with NXT.  This is an outstanding product and may only get better.  If you're not already on the NXT bandwagon, what the hell are you waiting on.  As I said in anothert post, with Paragon Pro starting their television deal in June, ROH, Lucha Underground, AML (out of Winston-Salem), and the weekly episodes of New Japan Pro, now is a great time to be a wrestling fan again.  Once Global Force gets off the ground and moving, wrestling will start having alternatives instead of the main roster of WWE as its fix.  With NXT, the future is coming, the future is now! 

That's all for now folks, but I shall return next week with a preview of Elimination Chamber (sigh).  Until then, have a great and safe Memorial Day weekend and save me some food from the grille.

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