Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Most Honorable: The Greatest ROH Matches In History

What's happening kind people?!  Many feel that the second-best mainstream promotion in the U.S. is Ring Of Honor, and for great reason.  Over the fifteen years of existence, ROH has amassed legendary status in the history of the sport, producing stellar talents such as Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan), Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, Tyler Black (Seth Rollins), CM Punk, James Gibson (Jamie Noble), Claudio Castagnoli (Cesaro), El Generico (Sami Zayn with a mask), and Kevin Steen (Kevin Owens).  What started as a home for the hottest indie guys in the country steadily grew into one of the most revered promotions in the world.  No "sports entertainment" here folks, just straight wrestling and athleticism.  There have numerous classic matches that have defined ROH's excellence throughout the years, and here are some that exemplify this notion.

16. Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Addiction vs. The Young Bucks 
ROH World Tag Team Titles/Ladder War 6
All-Star Extravaganza VIII

Three of the best teams in all of ROH competed in what was one HELL of a ladder match for the Tag Team Championships.  The highly athletic MCMGs, the elder and experienced Addiction, and the most polarizing, yet hottest, team in the business in The Young Bucks laid it all out before the fans in one of the most unsettling and vicious ladder matches in a long time regardless of promotion.  There were injuries and in Christopher Daniels case, severe lacerations and profuse blood loss.  However, none of that mattered as this was the best match of 2016 in ROH and showed what these teams what put their bodies through for the gold.

15. Davey Richards vs. Michael Elgin 
ROH World Championship
Showdown In the Sun '12

Within the last few years of ROH two considerable talents have been Davey Richards and "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin.  In 2012, these two fought in a stiff, yet formidable, match that showed the perseverance of the smaller Richards against the scary power of the young Canadian, Elgin. Richards was considered a technical beast, especially during this time, while Elgin was the big, thick juggernaut that also had tremendous athletic ability for a guy his size and was a complete powerhouse on top of that.  Great story here with crazy spots during this match including Elgin's corkscrew poncha onto Richards (remember what was just said about his uncanny athleticism) and Richards doing a top rope dragon suplex, which if not done correctly and safely will absolutely break your opponent's neck and possibly their own as well. After a thrilling sequence towards the end, Richards walked away still the champion.   Classic story of the David the underdog defeating Goliath the monster.

14. Bryan Danielson vs. Tekeshi Morishima
ROH World Championship
Manhattan Mayhem II

What a performance by Danielson.  Before we knew him as the overachieving underdog in WWE Daniel Bryan, he was "The American Dragon", the best wrestler in the world at one point. He was facing the ROH World Champion, Takeshi Morishima, a Japanese version Terry Gordy that was as vicious as he was intense and was such an incredible in-ring performer.  His clotheslines could easily rival JBL's Clothesline from Hell finisher. Trained by one of the true legends of Japanese wrestling, Masawa, this NOAH star was a big bull that could move and could go the distance for a man that size.  He had put down several going into this match, including the likes of Roderick Strong, Austin Aries, and Nigel McGuinness, not to mention the very man he defeated to become champion in the first, Homicide.  In this match, he showed why he was head and shoulders above most of his peers, as the super tough, badass World Champion from Japan, Morishima, severely injured Danielson's orbital bone from a vicious, stiff right hand.  In incredible pain and blind in one eye, Danielson was undeterred, as he continued to fight and proved his own toughness in this struggle.  They've had several matches, but this one stands as the best between them, and tells the story of a badly injured, yet focused "American Dragon".

13. El Generico & Kevin Steen vs. The Briscoes 
ROH World Tag Team Titles/Ladder Wars
Man Up '07

These were two teams that were among the top of the food chain in ROH, with Mark and Jay as the champions.  This match was the main event of what was already an incredible event, and they pulled off one of the most brutal, yet exciting, ladder matches ever seen. Going into the match, it was clear Steen was going to turn on Generico at some point, but we weren't completely sure when. In any event, we witnessed physical brutality as only you could expect in a match like this.  Some of the most insane spots and bumps one will see to this day, this could be considered up there with the TLC dynasty with Edge/Christian, The Hardyz, and The Dudley Boyz.  While The Briscoes held on to the belts, and we see the split imminent between Steen and Generico, what happened afterwards with The Briscoes and The Age of The Fall was perhaps even more violent. Jimmy Jacobs introduced us to indie deathmatch star, Necro Butcher, and a young up-and-coming star named Tyler Black (now famously known as Seth Rollins). Attacking The Briscoes with barbed wire, Jay, in particular, was badly lacerated and, from there, was hoisted by his ankles upside down as blood was literally raining from his head onto the all-white suit of Jacobs, as Jacobs purposely stood underneath the raining blood and was literally drenched in it.  Such a graphic, yet memorable, visual. Regardless, this match was vicious and stands among the best Ladder matches in ROH history.

12. El Generico vs. Kevin Steen 
Career Vs. Mask
Final Battle '10

There is perhaps no more personal and intense rivalry in ROH history than the issue between El Generico and Kevin Steen.  Even on WWE programming, we always see Sami Zayn (Generico) and Kevin Owens (Steen) constantly fight each other.  This was one match that could be considered among their most intense.  At Final Battle 2010, stakes couldn't be higher, as Steen put his ROH career on the line against Generico's mask.  Both men were bloodied in this epic street fight that saw Generico get his overdue revenge against his former friend and partner. The story here was intense and compelling, as the ending saw Generico blast Steen brutally with a chair in a cathartic turn of events, much like Steen nailed him with a chair when he turned on Generico and got the very hard fought and bloody win.  This match showed Generico's never-say-die guts, but also showed why Steen was and is among the greatest pure heels of all-time.

11. Kenta Kobashi vs. Samoa Joe
Joe Vs. Kobashi

In Japan, there was arguably nobody tougher in that era's time than Pro Wrestling NOAH's Kenta Kobashi. Period.  The former AJPW and GHC (NOAH) World Champion was considered among the very best of all-time, both in Japan, and around the world in general. When he hit you, there was no shortage of physicality behind his strikes, and he had a hell of a punishing match against another tough and physical badass in former ROH World Champion, Samoa Joe.  Joe was likewise considered a very dangerous, physical animal, and these two men waged a BATTLE.  The fans in this match went completely ape shit in this match, and they helped make this match a memorable one, and that both men took with them many years later.  It's not often we see "The Samoan Submission Machine" take an ass kicking like he did, but he took like a G and gave one back just as much physical fashion. Joe earned Kobashi's respect and then some in this match and became a turning point in the career of the younger Joe.  

10. Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries 
Two Out Of Three Falls
Testing The Limit '04

In a word, WOW! Two of the very best there was in the industry, Bryan Danielson and Austin Aries competed in one of the longest matches in ROH history.  Going into the match, these two were the last two men in the Survival of The Fittest match at the PPV of the same name, in which Danielson would emerge the winner.  A match was made between the two to truly see who the better man was, and they delivered something very special, especially for its day.  Two guys very similar in size and heart competed in some of the most awe-inspiring wrestling matches of the previous generation, maybe ever.  At Testing the Limit, these guys had a historic nearly EIGHTY-minute two out of three falls match for the World Title. The first fall didn't even occur until just after the forty-minute mark of the match.  With the third fall, especially, being an extraordinary effort between the two, with counter after counter, near fall after near fall, Danielson would emerge the winner in a match that helped define both of their careers.  Two of the sport's true modern greats told a true athletic wrestling story the likes of which resembled matches of the 50s and 60s.  Believe it or not, they wrestled in a match even longer than that weeks later!

9. Lo-Ki vs. KENTA 
GHC Heavyweight Title
Final Battle '05

Earlier we highlighted stiff classics such as Danielson vs. Morishima and Kobashi vs. Samoa Joe.  Add this one to that same list of stiff as hell, exceptionally physical wars. Lo-Ki has long been considered one of the most underrated, yet highly respected, grapplers in the game for some time. Low-Ki's small stature was made up with an old school approach to wrestling, in terms of stiff, legit combat.  Everything he gave you, you felt, and felt for weeks on end.  It was a real combat sport to him, and nobody was going to tell him anything different. As for KWENTA, his mentor was the aforementioned Kobashi, which showed in his stiff kicks and strikes just like his mentor.  Wanting to avenge the loss his mentor suffered earlier in the year, KENTA wanted to face anyone that was willing to go through hell with him and the NY native gladly obliged. When put up against former GHC Heavyweight Champion (Pro Wrestling NOAH's biggest title) KENTA (you know him now as Hideo Itami), we knew it would be a contest of wrestling and highly impactful strikes.  This match did not disappoint whatsoever.  These guys competed in a heavily stiff encounter that was filled with near falls and moments where you thought they couldn't raise the bar any higher.  The stiffness and legit shots in this match made this match, at times, visually uncomfortable to watch, including the headbutt sequences.  This one is a match for those that love good stiff kicks and strikes, but overall, this is just damn good hand to hand combat. Even the fans afterwards, while giving both men a standing ovation, were chanting, "FIVE STAR MATCH". and for very good reason.  This was complete insanity in terms of its physicality and intensity, much like Kobashi and Joe.

8. El Generico vs. Kevin Steen 
Ladder Wars IV
Final Battle '12

Another chapter got written between Generico and Steen at Final Battle 2012, only this was the final ROH chapter.  To conclude this extremely personal and hate-filled rivalry, they fought over the ROH Title in a ladder match against each other that has to be considered a ladder match that nobody will ever forget.  The shear brutality of this match escalated and escalated to the simply ungodly ending to this match as Steen delivered a savage package piledriver through a bridge ladder.  The ROH version of the feud had ended, as Generico was going to greener pastures at that time, but this feud will be forever remembered as perhaps the most personal rivalry in ROH history.

7. Davey Richards vs. Tyler Black
ROH World Championship
Death Before Dishonor VIII

What has been acclaimed as the best match of 2010 was the encounter between Davey Richards and Tyler Black (pre-Seth Rollins).  Talk about two young lions giving it their complete and total all. Black had defeated Austin Aries for the title months before and was going through very formidable opponents during his reign.  on-camera figure head, Jim Cornette, had Black defend the title against the former champion and this was quite the match for these two. Richards showed his excellent technical ability in the ring with the future "Architect". Meanwhile, Black would not be denied, as he showed Richards that he was champion for a reason. The final six minutes of this match showed the toughness of both men with near fall after near fall.  After a GREULING half hour, Black retained and survived.  This was a fantastic match from the opening bell and served as a benchmark in both men's careers.  As this served as one of Black's last matches before leaving for WWE, he can be assured that he went out in unbelievable fashion with a ROH classic against "The American Wolf".

6. Jay Briscoe vs. Jay Lethal 
Title Vs. Title
Best In The World '15

Two legit franchise players for the company squared off in a memorable and highly spirited battle where the winner would walk away with two titles, the Television Title and the World Title. Lethal was representing Truth Martini and his House of Truth faction.  This was more or less and old school-paced encounter, with no minute wasted and every second meaningful in its own way.  The intensity was a slow build, but was worth every minute of it, as towards the final eight-plus minutes, we were at the high of the encounter.  Everything from Jay Drillers through the timekeeper table to a couple of Lethal Injections, this match was stellar in what was already a pretty good card.  Briscoe walked in as the World Champion, but with all his incredible efforts came up short against a scorching hot Jay Lethal.  Regardless of who won and who lost, many will be quick to place this match not just the best match of 2015, but one of the greatest matches of the second half of the decade.  This is a match that you can watch quite a few times and not get tired of it.

5. Eddie Edwards vs. Roderick Strong
Manhattan Mayhem IV

We all know Roderick Strong is one of the finest wrestlers in the entire world, and definitely among the most accomplished.  At Manhattan Mayhem IV, he faced a very exciting and gutsy competitor in "Diehard" Eddie Edwards, who was one half of The American Wolves, but his partner Davey Richards had been sidelined with an injury. With Richards not involved, and Strong's manager, Truth Martini, being sent to the back, this had the makings of a ridiculously awesome match, and that it was.  Of course, the feeling out process went some minutes, but the action and urgency went up, and went up quickly.  as these two went at each other and giving each other some of their best, Strong attempted a dive on the outside towards Edwards, but hit his head on the guard rail, badly splitting him open.  Even with the crimson mess Strong was in, it didn't deter him from one of his best showings against Edwards.  Edwards, meanwhile, was exhibiting heart and determination through shear toughness.  Although Martini tried to intervene, it was to no avail, as Edwards quickly disposed of him.  After almost thirty drama-filled minutes, Edwards became the new ROH World Champion.  This match showed just how great "The Messiah of The Backbreaker" is without a doubt, but this was just as much a coming out for Edwards, who proved based upon his win over Strong, that he also should be mentioned when it comes to not only among the company's best, but the world's best in a wonderful one-on-one contest.

4. Nigel McGuinness vs. Bryan Danielson
Title vs. Title
ROH Unified

One of the most decorated and celebrated pure rivalries was between Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson.  Practically every match they would have against each other would be matches of beauty.  This particular match took place on Nigel's home soil, in London.  This was a match that was a title unification match between the ROH World Title and the ROH Pure Title, as Danielson was the World Champ and McGuinness was the Pure Champ. Going into this match, Danielson saw himself as the best technical wrestler in the world as well and did not like the fact that McGuinness was the one holding the strap.  Nigel, on the other hand, was in the middle of a reign that was lasting almost a full year as champion, bringing it to a prominence much like the likes of Samoa Joe did when McGuinness defeated him.  These two outstanding grapplers were willing to walk away with both belts to solidify the greatness each man presented.  The "pure rules" were the backdrop of thew match, as with all other "pure rules" matches.  Both men used up all their rope breaks, plus, at least in front of the ref, there were no closed fists.  This match was simply dynamite, as we saw for the first several minutes nothing but holds and counter-holds galore.  Then, the physicality picked up a lot to where McGuinness was badly lacerated by getting continuously posted by Danielson and the stiff headbutts they gave each other were unsettling to watch. The underdog that was McGuinness never gave up and took the fight to Danielson all the way, to where there a number of times we were a half second aw3ay from McGuinness not just retaining his Pure Championship but becoming World Champion as well.  However, Danielson's Hammer & Anvil elbow attacks were simply too much for the gutsy Brit to withstand and he passed out from the brutality. Danielson became the double champion that night, in front of Nigel's countrymen.  With an arrogance a mile long, "The American Dragon" could legitimately boast that he was in fact the best wrestler on the planet.  Nonetheless, this match is considered a classic for all the ROH faithful and elevated Danielson's claim to being the best wrestler in the world, but also McGuinness was established himself as one of the sport's best in-ring performers as well.

3. CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe
ROH world Championship
All-Star Extravaganza II

This was the rivalry that put ROH on the map, and officially introduced two indie megastars in CM Punk and Samoa Joe.  Punk had already developed a reputation as someone that could work his ass off and could go.  Same with Joe, so this clash for the World Title was quite anticipated. Joe was an unstoppable killer in his World Title run, and Punk was the dependable workhorse that had been revered within the ROH circle.  With Joe being the dominant champion and a bloodied Punk never giving up and taking the fight to the "Samoan Submission Machine", this was a masterclass in wrestling physicality mixed with eighties in-ring psychology throughout the match.  This match was an instant classic, highlighting an unstoppable badass in Joe, while showing a tenacious and tough Punk never giving up wanting to become the World Champion. Punk ultimately succumbed to Joe choking him out by passing out, but Punk went down in a bloody blaze of glory.  They had another war that would forever change the company, but this encounter showed just how much pride these two gladiators had for this business.

2. Roderick Strong vs. Jay Lethal
ROH Television Championship
Death Before Dishonor XIII

There aren't two more incredible in-ring talents that ROH has ever produced than Jay Lethal and Roderick Strong.  Strong was known as "Mr. ROH", as he had been there for so many years and had accomplished a great deal there.  The same could be said about Lethal, although his second run with the company post-TNA became one of ROH folklore.  These two had one of the single greatest athletic, competitive contests of all-time at Death Before Dishonor XIII for Lethal's TV Title.  Resembling a Steamboat/Flair classic, these two held nothing back and they brought forth a game of human chess that resulted in a sixty-minute draw, which doesn't happen often in this business anymore. Strong and Lethal delivered hold after hold, counter after counter, and punishment upon punishment to each other throughout this phenomenal encounter.  Although they had a rematch, in which Strong became the new champion, this is the match that placed them on even higher plateaus than before. This has been considered by many the greatest main event of this generation in ROH.  While the rest of the card was a good event in itself and enjoyable, this match was the benchmark for most future ROH main events to come afterwards.  What Strong and Lethal delivered has to be among the Mt. Rushmore of ROH matches.

1. CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe
ROH World Championship
Punk Vs. Joe II

This is THE match that made the wrestling world take notice officially to who these guys were.  The physically dominant, yet athletically very gifted, ROH World Champion Samoa Joe, and the never-quitting number one contender CM Punk already pout on one clinic back at All-Star Extravaganza II, but they took it to even higher levels. How crazy is the anticipation of match where the entire event is literally named after the participants? As if their encounter at All-Star Extravaganza II wasn't the bar to set, this was.  This was one of the most revered matches of that entire time period, and arguably the best indie match of the decade. So much of the last encounter was reflected in this encounter as well from a storytelling aspect and how their psychology was captivating in this epic match.  Physicality, passion, the will to win, and the need to be the best was in dramatic fashion here, especially for Punk.  The final five or so minutes were filled with stirring adrenaline and made you believe Punk could finally avenge the loss to Joe from All-Star Extravaganza II.  Unfortunately, Joe looked like he was on his way to winning, even surviving Punk's Pepsi Plunge finisher. Their match went to a sixty-minute draw, but the respect gained by both men by the fans and to each other spoke about how special the moment was.  The fans never stopped being involved in it and they gave them both a ten minute-plus standing ovation for their memorable contest.  This match is still looked at, and deservedly so, as the greatest ROH match of all-time.

Honorable Mentions

Nigel McGuinness vs. Austin Aries- Rising Above '07
Nigel McGuinness vs. KENTA- 7th Anniversary
Michael Elgin vs. Kevin Steen- Glory By Honor XI
Jay Briscoe vs. Jay Lethal- Best In The World '16
Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black- New Horizons '06
 The Broken Hardyz vs. The Young Bucks- Supercard Of Honor XI
The Time Splitters vs. Forever Hooligans vs. The Young Bucks- Global Wars '14
Okada & Forever Hooligans vs. The Young Bucks & AJ Styles- Global Wars '15
Will Ospreay vs. Jay White- War Of The Worlds '17
Davie Richards vs. Jay Lethal- Glory By Honor XI
Roderick Strong vs. Tyler Black vs. Austin Aries- Big Bang
Austin Aries vs. Samoa Joe- Final Battle '04
Samoa Joe vs. Moreshima- 5th Year Festival
CM Punk vs. Austin Aries- Death Before Dishonor III
Bryan Danielson vs. KENTA - Glory By Honor V
Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong- Supercard Of Honor '06
Do Fixer vs. Blood Generation- Supercard Of Honor '06
Roderick Strong vs. Okada- Field Of Honor
The Briscoes vs. Kings Of Wrestling
Eddie Edwards vs. Davey Richards- Best In The World '11
Eddie Edwards vs. Davey Richards- Final Battle '11
Steve Corino vs. BJ Whitmer- Best In The World '16
Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black-  Final Battle '09
Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole- Supercard Of Honor VIII

As you can see, Ring Of Honor has an illustrious legacy of producing very highly acclaimed matches and events that truly capture what PURE wrestling and athleticism is.  While the glory days of ROH ('04-'09) may not be around anymore, that doesn't mean that today's matches don't hold a significant amount of weight either.  We've seen huge stars to emerge from there, but ROH is still moving along with young guys and there's no reason to believe that this very prestigious company doesn't have more miles to go to further secure its legacy.  Be sure to find these matches and more.  You won't be disappointed.  Until next time!

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