Saturday, December 15, 2018

Vince's House: The Best WWE Matches Of All-Time

What's happening folks? You've asked about it, and it's finally here.  It's only right that we point out the best matches in the most commercially successful wrestling promotion in the world.  While billing themselves as "sports entertainment", WWE has hardly ever been known for producing consistently game changing wrestling, but they have been known to deliver memorable moments regardless.  They have been known to occasionally produce special experiences by viewing encounters that make you feel deeply.  Yes, Hogan vs. Andre was the match that turned wrestling on its ear globally due to star power and name appeal.  Similarly, matches like Rock vs. Hogan brought a new generation of fans into the world of the super marquee match due to name and star appeal more so than the athletic anticipation of the Okada/Omega series or several others.  With that being said, there have been legit amazing matches the company has produced that weren't just about name but about actual wrestling ability mixed with fantastic storytelling.  This list will not include NXT as a list has already been made (as you can click here to view it), but instead we present thirty of the greatest matches WWE has delivered.  Without further ado, let's get into it.

30. Rey Mysterio & Edge vs. Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle
No Mercy '02

Rey and Edge on paper is a great team, but Benoit and Angle looks even better.  While Angle wasn't quite the intense machine he would later become quite yet, he was still a superb in ring wrestler as of course Benoit was as well.  This match was excellent.  Was it as fantastic as their Smackdown Two Out Of Three Falls Match? Absolutely.  This was a great tag team showcase of four dynamite wrestlers in tag team competition, and it was arguably the standout match of the night.

29. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle
Royal Rumble '03

This match opened the Rumble of '03 and ended up becoming the most talked about match of the night besides the Rumble match.  Here we have two legit outstanding in ring workers in Benoit and Angle, and two guys that could outwrestle most anyone in the world, much less in WWE.  The action in the ring was compelling and it was clear that there would be nothing that would outshine the effort these two guys demonstrated.  Although Angle won, Benoit showed his ability to be a star and a main eventer that night, and it showed with a much-deserved standing ovation.

28. Undertaker vs. Triple H
Hell in A Cell
Wrestlemania XXVIII

It was billed the "End of An Era".  Two of the modern cornerstones of WWE having one last (at that time) match.  Two sure fire Hall Of Famers and two guys that have more than earned their respect within the business.  Taker and HHH continued their rivalry from a year prior when they tore the house down at Wrestlemania XVII when Taker got stretchered out, in spite of his win over "The Game".  Adding to this was Shawn Michaels being the special referee for this match and we have something special, and it was.  The story was the bigger topic of discussion more so than the action, but after all, that's what wrestling is about right?  This was a physical affair that ended with Taker winning and a memorable image of Taker/ HBK, and HHH at the ramp embracing each other to signal the end of one of the most historic eras in wrestling history.  

27. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Triple H
3 Stages of Hell
No Way Out '01

One of the most intense rivalries in WWE history involved "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and "The Game" Triple H.  Being revealed as the guy that was behind Austin getting ran down nearly a year and a half earlier, the rivalry became the most vicious feud in all the company.  The feud culminated in an epic 3 Stages Of Hell match at No Way Out '01.  The first "stage" was a wrestling match, that Austin won.  The second "stage" was a bloody street fight, in which Hunter won, and the third "stage" was a cage match, in which Hunter finally wrapped up the feud.  This match was a forty-plus minute match that was among the most physical encounters in recent memory, and took away any steam for any remaining matches that night, including Rock vs. Angle in the main event.

26. The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz
WWE Tag Team Championships/TLC Match
Wrestlemania XVII

If there were any more high-profile teams in the famous "Attitude" era than the Dudley Boyz, Edge & Christian, and The Hardyz, please present them.  This three way rivalry was the most defining tag team rivalry in many years in the company and perhaps the business as a whole.  This took three teams that were already highly successful, and made them instant legends.  Their Ladder Match at the prior Summerslam, along with the Ladder Match between The Hardyz and E&C set the stage for this intense, albeit dangerous, match.  Scary bumps a plenty, the action was beyond fierce.  With Rhyno, Lita, and Spike Dudley all getting involved, it added to the chaos that was this match, with E&C winning the belts.  At an event that was considered the greatest Wrestlemania of all-time, bell to bell, this match was among the true highlights of the evening and of many years to come.

25. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. 1-2-3 Kid
WWE Championship
Raw 7/1/94

Before he was X-Pac, he was the 1-2-3 Kid, and was a very promising young talent.  He picked the win of wins by upsetting Razor Ramon on the premier edition of Raw, and from there his star power was slowly growing.  He challenged Bret Hart for the WWE Title on Raw, and what a performance we saw from him.  This match overachieved in many aspects.  Not because of Hart, who we all know can have a match with a broom handle and get it over, but because we didn't know the level of in-ring excellence Kid could go, but we saw it, and this stands as one of the single best matches Sean Waltman ever was part of.

24. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar
WWE Championship/Triple Threat Match
Royal Rumble '15

The three hottest guys going into 2015 were Roman Reigns, champion Brock Lesnar, and Money in The Bank contract holder Seth Rollins.  Of course, you always have to put megastar Cena in any mix Vince wants.  Truth is, Rollins was knocking on that ceiling with the likelihood of crashing through it.  This was one more step getting there, as he was fantastic in this match.  You have two guaranteed Hall Of Famers in Cena and Lesnar, and a star on the cusp of absolute greatness.  While Rollins didn't win, his performance showed that he belonged in the main event and deserved to be champion.  This was a big time match and we saw great things from all three.

23. Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels
World Heavyweight Championship/Triple Threat Match
Wrestlemania XX

Many have considered this the greatest triple threat match in WWE history.  At the twentieth anniversary of Wrestlemania in Madison Square Garden, the main event was World Heavyweight Champion Triple H against heated rival Shawn Michaels and the winner of the 2004 Royal Rumble, Chris Benoit.  Benoit was on FIRE and the company put the battery behind him, and incorporating himself into the issue between Hunter and Shawn.  This had good wrestling, tons of aggression, and lots of blood.  Yes folks, this was bloodbath, but the story was Benoit finally breaking through the glass ceiling and grabbing that brass ring.  This match was an excellent way to end a fairly good Wrestlemania, and of course the now iconic image of Benoit and Eddie Guerrero embracing and celebrating in the ring had us all in the feels.

22. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Mr. Perfect
Intercontinental Championship
Summerslam '91

We always saw something special in Bret "Hitman" Hart from his days with Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart as The Hart Foundation.  Hart was legitimately seen as one of the best nall saround technical wrestlers in the business, and he was on his way to becoming a major singles star.  Only thing was he had to get past an equally great Mr. Perfect, who was the Intercontinental Champion at Summerslam '91.  This was more about Bret becoming a breakout star finally, and this was a very good one.  With the addition of Perfect working with a very badly damaged back, he helped Hart obtain a major milestone in his career.  In front of his parents at MSG, Hart broke through and this became one of the single most important matches in both men's careers.

21. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. The Rock
WWE Championship/No Disqualification Match
Wrestlemania XVII

If there was a rivalry that really defined the "Attitude" era besides Austin vs. McMahon, was the equally entertaining Austin vs. Rock.  These two icons were almost always neck-a-neck with each other.  While Austin was a bigger star, Rock may have been a better star.  Whatever the case, these guys main evented the awesome Wrestlemania XVII. They had previously main evented Wrestlemania XV, and it was a good match, but this one ran laps around that one, or for that matter their match at Wrestlemania XVIX, which was also damn good.  In this case, both guys are the biggest babyfaces and Rock was the champion.  These two fought their asses off.  No, seriously, they fought like hell.  Both men lost blood, and the drama within this match and the build was just epic.  NOBODY was ready for the ending with Austin and McMahon, This ending, along with the highly intense action these two provided, made this their absolute best encounter.

20. Cactus Jack vs. Triple H
WWE Championship/Street Fight
Royal Rumble '00

Going into 2000, Triple H was on fire.  He was the leading heel, along with him being WWE Champion, he was the on-camera husband (at the time) of Stephanie McMahon (how life can imitate art).  Hunter's drive to be the leading heel in the business was captivating and you genuinely hated his guts more than once, especially his bullying of Mick Foley.  Foley summons up his notorious Cactus Jack character and boy did they tear down MSG that evening.  This match was violence, something Hunter had done a lot of before this match.  However, the blood messy champion stood toe to toe with the sadism of Jack, and defeated him by Pedigreeing him into thumbtacks.  The selling of the highly bloodied champion even though he was the winner further showed how much of an impact player he aimed to be, and this officially marked "The Game's" toughness and his ability to be that main event guy.  This not only stands as one of the best matches of the early thousands, but also one of the most pivotal in both men's careers.

19. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
Wrestlemania XXI

It doesn't get much better, if at all, then HBK and Kurt Angle.  Two of the greatest in-ring performers of all-time met in what was arguably the best match within all of Wrestlemania 21.  This had been quite the anticipated match for some years, and it all hit at the Rumble a couple months earlier.  This was a textbook match of HBK's finesse style of wrestling with Kurt's incredible technical wrestling, and this was just amazing.  This had moments of great mat wrestling, intensity, and stellar storytelling that had enough credibility for this to be among the best modern Wrestlemania matches of the era.  Although Kurt got the win, both men received standing ovations for their excellent performances and rightfully so.

18. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Mr. Perfect
King Of The Ring '93

Hoping to repeat the critical acclaim of their Summerslam encounter of '91, this match was a semifinal match to determine the King Of The Ring of '93.  Folks, this match was easily the better match, as this time both men were babyfaces, but the intensity was as high if not higher than their previous encounter.  Perfect looked a lot better in this match than their prior one while Bret looked every bit as good as before.  There were teases of a heel turn by Perfect but it never surfaced.  Bret scored another win here, and it sent him to the finals against the late Bam Bam Bigelow.  However, this was not onlt the best match of the tournament, but one of the best matches of the year.

17. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
Hell In A Cell
In Your House: Bad Blood '97

The one that started it all.  This was the legendary match that introduced Hell In A Cell into our consciousness.  Shawn had been involved in a heated feud with Undertaker and this was the culmination of it.  The match was already intense with Shawn looking absolutely great here.  We had different stories within the match, including Shawn battering a photographer and him showing his unbelievable toughness, as Taker gave him one of the worst ass kickings we've ever seen Michaels take.  The bloody mess that Michaels was had him getting slammed on top of the cage, going through a table from near the top of the cell, and getting an unprotected chair shot.  This also marked the debut of Kane, in which he gave Michaels the win.  The drama all over the match, mixe3d with the sheer brutality here and the magic between the two, made this match possibly the greatest HIAC match of all time

16. Shawn Michaels vs. Mankind
WWE Championship
In Your House: Mind Games

In another case of the story being the story, HBK faced off against Mankind at Mind Games, and this was fantastic.  We hadn't seen Shawn be this physical before, as he truly took the fight to Mankind, which resulted in some pretty sickening bumps off and on during this match.  The build for this was excellent and the result was stellar storytelling here.  Mankind was just awesome here and the chemistry between the two was off the page.  The spot where Foley was trapped head first in between the ropes and still put the mandible claw on Michaels was genius.  Michaels earned the hell out of this win, but Mankind showed that he was truly the most intriguing character, heel or babyface, in the company at that time.

15. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith
Intercontinental Championship
Summerslam '92

This match has been billed as one of the best Intercontinental Championship matches of the nineties, and rightfully so.  This match had it all.  Emotion, great work, great storytelling, and fantastic heat.  Real life brothers-in-law Bret Hart and Davey Boy competed for Bret's I-C Title at Summerslam '92 at Wembley Stadium in what was the main event.  The first time the I-C Championship ever main evented a pay-per-view.  The story was not only the title being on the line, but Diana Hart Smith was basically in the middle, as she's the sister of Bret and the wife of Davey.  This was such a compelling match based upon all the above qualities and the perfect main event for a highly acclaimed Summerslam.  Davey defeated Bret and eighty thousand fans went complete ape shit.  However, both men were winners in this incredible match.

14. Marty Jannetty vs. Shawn Michaels
Intercontinental Championship
Raw 7/19/93

One of the most wildly popular teams of the late eighties/early nineties was The Rockers, Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels.  We all remember the now legendary breakup of the two.  In '93, the former friends and teammates were involved in quite the storied match on a live Raw, back when it was at the Manhattan Center.  In what was considered a big upset, Jannetty defeated Michaels to become the Intercontinental Champion for the only time in his WWE career.  HBK would later win it back, but this was a story of a ridiculed ex-team member that had a bunch to prove, and for a night, he received his rightful vindication in quite a great match.

13. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels
I-C Championship/Ladder Match
Summerslam '95

Razor and Shawn were involved in one of the most memorable rivalries over the I-C Title in the history of the championship.  They made history with their match at Wrestlemania X, but that next year at Summerslam '95, the long overdue rematch occurred.  On this occasion, this was a case of two babyfaces going after each other.  They dynamic was different, but the cohesiveness from which these guys performed together (aka chemistry) didn't change at all.  This match was almost every bit as fantastic as their original encounter, and this time HBK was able to pick up the win on this occasion in a simply thrilling match that has to be considered among the best Summerslam matches of the nineties.

12. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "The Rocket" Owen Hart
Wrestlemania X

God bless Owen Hart.  The late, great youngest sibling of the Hart family was a HELLUVA in-ring competitor.  He really grew into his own while feuding with his already huge name older brother Bret.  It was the classic "I'm tired of being in your shadow" rivalry between siblings, and they finally collided at Wrestlemania X. This was the first of two matches on the card for Bret so this match started everything off, and what a match this was.  We truly saw just how great Owen can be as a technician.  Many have considered him a more complete wrestler than Bret.  Be that as it may, the chemistry here was off the page, as if they were meant to face each other.  Owen shocked the world with what was considered an upset win, but this match was only the beginning of an exceptional rivalry between loving brothers.

11. Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch
WWE Smackdown Women's Championship/Last Woman Standing
Evolution '18

The women's evolution was in full force in 2018.  The women's division had participated in several firsts such as the first women's Royal Rumble match, first women's Elimination Chamber, and even the first ever all-women's pay per view, EvolutionEvolution was a decent to good event showcasing the talents of the women's division from Raw, Smackdown, and NXT, along with the Mae Young Classic finals.  However, one match that night put the entire WWE on its ear, and it involved SD Women's Champion, Becky Lynch and former champion, Charlotte Flair in a Last Woman Standing match.  This was only the second one in the company (the first was Asuka against Nikki Cross in NXT), but this was easily not just the best match of the event, but the best women's division match of the year, maybe ever.  The storytelling in this match was fantastic and the brutality from these women was stellar. For nearly thirty minutes, these two ladies tore the house down, with Becky retaining the championship in a match truly worthy of gladiator acclaim.

10. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Shawn Michaels
WWE Championship
Survivor Series '92

We all know by now that Hart vs. Michaels became one of the most deeply personal rivalries in the sport as a whole, not just in the ring but outside the ring as well.  This feud superseded wrestling and turned into two men that just couldn't stand each other.  One of their first memorable encounters was at Survivor Series of '92. Before the beef got past kayfabe levels, these two were just two guys that respected each other's in-ring capabilities.  We saw the beginnings of what would be arguably the most controversial feud in company history, but this match was an exemplary contest between two guys who would become true legends within the sport, regardless of whether they liked each other behind the scenes or not.

9. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "The Rocket" Owen Hart
WWE Championship/Steel Cage Match
Summerslam '94

The rivalry between the Hart siblings of Bret and Owen reached a climatic peak with their highly memorable Steel Cage match at Summerslam '94.  The family was divided between these two and they were seated ringside as they saw these two marvelous workers compete in what has been called one of the greatest Steel Cage matches in WWE history.  This wasn't necessarily a brutal affair, but this was a riveting and intriguing wrestling match that was technical wrestling and storytelling among its highest.  We saw two of the finest not just in WWE but in the entire business competing in a phenomenal contest that resulted in Bret getting the win, but this match clearly showed that Owen had officially arrived if you didn't already believe it when he beat his brother at Wrestlemania.  Rest In Peace Owen!

8. John Cena vs. AJ Styles
WWE Championship
Royal Rumble '17

Within this generation, nobody has been more polarizing than John Cena.  Many bash him for having had two left feet, plus just generally not knowing how to legit carry a match.  Not to mention he's been Vince's poster boy for this era. However,once 2010 hit, he really started to hit his stride holding his own within matches and looking pretty good in the process.  In 2017, he faced one of the legit best on the planet in AJ Styles for the WWE Title.  This was undeniably Cena's best match in years, and he danced with a modern legend at that to assist him in this dynamite match.  Their rivalry going in to the match was already at a fever pitch, as these two had a helluva match at Money In The Bank '16 already.  This one was not only better, but it really showed AJ not only belonged in the main event, he WAS the main event.  Both men won in the eyes of the fans.

7. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels
Intercontinental Championship/Ladder Match
Wrestlemania X

The standard of all modern-day Ladder matches.  At Wrestlemania X in MSG, then-champ Razor Ramon was on a high as champion, and HBK returned from suspension but proclaimed himself as the "real" Inter-continental Champion, as he never lost the title in the ring.  This match was awe-inspiring.  For its day, this match was the epitome of what great storytelling and athletic showmanship represented for WWE.  Razor never had a match this incredible while it was another day at the office for Shawn.  It wasn't easy following the excellent match that was Bret and Owen at the start of the evening, but not only did it outdo it, but it stole the show and took the energy from every other match of the night sans the main event of Bret vs. Yokozuna.  For years, this was THE Ladder Match, and depending upon who you ask, it still is.

6. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Submission Match
Wrestlemania XIII

There are times in wrestling where a loss in a match becomes a win with the fans and critics.  This was one such example, as Bret Hart faced rising star "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.  Austin had become red hot after he won the King Of The Ring of '96 and his now iconic "Austin 3:16" promo.  Following up on their great Survivor Series match of that year, they had an epic Submission Match at Wrestlemania XIII.  This was intense and physical.  It went another level when Austin was badly lacerated and bled quite profusely everywhere.  We saw the absolute toughness of Austin, but it was the pivotal final moments of the match that officially made Austin THAT star, as Hart locked in the Sharpshooter and Austin, absolutely pouring in blood, passed out from the blood loss and the pain without giving up.  This also signaled the greatest double turn possibly WWE history, as Austin became a babyface and Hart became a heel.  The story of this match and the physicality of this match puts this among the greatest Wrestlemania matches of all-time.

5. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Shawn Michaels
WWE Championship/60 Min. Ironman Match
Wrestlemania XII

The two biggest and most celebrated stars in the company in '96 were Bet Hart and Shawn Michaels.  It was only right that these two eventually collide in a big game match, only both men were babyfaces going in.  Plus, there was the fact that this match was going sixty uninterrupted minutes in an Ironman Match.  The build was simply fantastic, showing both men in intense preparation and training.  The big fight feel was in effect and the match did not disappoint.  While the first several minutes were slow, the eventual build and rise in story was climbing and when it reached its apex, it was amazing.  You really saw how off the page these two talents were and they both were fully exhibited.  This was never a fight per se, but this was a DAMN good wrestling match and at the end, HBK won his first WWE Title in epic fashion.  This ranks as one of the single best matches in either man's careers.

4. John Cena vs. CM Punk
WWE CHampionship
Money In the Bank '11

What a 2011 for CM Punk.  While it started in moderate complacency, it became the summer of Punk.  In somewhat similar fashion as in ROH, Punk OWNED the remainder of the year.  It started with the now legendary worked shoot promo that ended up defining the career of Punk, appropriately given the term the "Pipe Bomb Promo".  However, the bigger story was the fact that Punk's contract was up at midnight the night of MITB, and he stated he was leaving WWE as champion.  The match was in Chicago, Punk's hometown, and the atmosphere was among the most electrifying we have ever seen in many years.  The clear babyface from the crowd, Cena was in enemy territory.  The match itself was simply phenomenal.  Mix the very highly competitive story told along with the heavily charged energy within the Allstate Arena and this was a match nobody would soon forget, if ever.  Punk walked out the champ and the now famous image of Punk blowing a kiss to Vince McMahon as he left thought he crowd with the championship.  Folks, every single thing about this, from the promos to the match and the conclusion, was absolutely awesome. 

3. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
Career vs. Streak
Wrestlemania XXVI

One of the sport's most celebrated rivalries over the years has been Taker vs. HBK.  A year after their seminal classic at Wrestlemania XXV, they did it again.  Michaels was hell bent and determined to end the streak of Undertaker.  Going about getting a match by any means.  It worked, but Michael's career was on the line.  Behind the scenes, HBK knew this time was coming and he was ready, but he was wanting to go out in a blaze of glory, and boy did he.  Easily as compelling and riveting as their prior match at WMXXV, this match was quite the show.  Michaels' last match was unbelievable, but then again, it's HBK, which he had done night-in, night-out, and there was no better a performer to end his career with than Undertaker.  One future HOFer and one current HOFer, and the magic they displayed in front of the world was one for the ages, and they showed why their rivalry is one of the most decorated in wrestling history.

2. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage
Intercontinental Championship
Wrestlemania III

Wrestlemania III is considered the most famous WM of all-time, and the one that finally garnered them acclaim all over the world thanks to Hogan vs. Andre, but no match on that whole card was better than the legendary encounter between Ricky :The Dragon" Steamboat and the late, great "Macho Man" Randy Savage for the I-C Title.  The build for the match had Steamboat suffering from a throat injury at the hands of Savage.  However, this match was one of shear beauty as much as it was intensity.  This showed the immaculate chemistry between the two men and the story was fantastic.  It comes as no surprise that Steamboat can deliver superior matches, as does Savage.  These two together, for many years, was considered the best match in Wrestlemania history, and in some aspects, the best match in WWE history.  Depending upon who you ask, it remains this way, and that's a very credible argument.

1. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
Wrestlemania XXV

If you wanna talk about epic, precise storytelling, and two of the most iconic stars in wrestling history, look no further than Undertaker and Shawn Michaels.  We mentioned earlier how incredible their Wrestlemania XXVI match was, as HBK had his career end by losing to Taker.  However, it was their incomparable match at XXV that became the new blueprint for historic wrestling matches in WWE.  This match was way different than any prior matches they had, including their aforementioned Hell In A Cell match from '97.  There was no hatred, personal issue here.  Just two guys that showed the world that they were still the cornerstones of WWE and, even with Taker damn near killing himself on a spot gone wrong, the match made you emotionally invested in the heart of HBK while not wanting the streak Taker had acquired for himself over the years.  The results had Taker defeating Michaels, but there were no losers here critically as everyone agreed they had just witnessed a masterpiece and quite likely the greatest wrestling match in WWE history.  Take a bow gentlemen.

Honorable Mentions

Cena vs. Orton/Bragging Rights '09
Bryan vs. Lesnar/Survivor Series '18
Cena vs. Edge/Unforgiven '06
Michaels vs. HHH/ Badd Blood '04
Rock vs. Angle vs. Taker/Vengeance '02
Michaels vs. Jericho/No Mercy '08
Lesnar vs. Reigns vs. Strowman vs. Joe/Summerslam '17
Hart vs. Bulldog/IYH: Season's Beatings
Jericho & Benoit vs. HHH & Austin/Raw 5-21-01
Hart vs. Austin/Survivor Series '96
Taker vs. Mankind/King Of The Ring '98
Edge vs. Angle/No Mercy '02
Cena vs. Michaels/Wrestlemania XXIII
Cena vs. Michaels/Raw 4-23-07
Cena vs. Orton vs. Michaels vs. Edge/Backlash '07
Cactus vs. Orton/No Mercy '04
Styles vs. Lesnar/Survivor Series '17
Cena vs. Rollins vs. Strowman vs. Elias vs. Reigns/Raw 2-12-18
Guerrero vs. JBL/Judgement Day '04
Rollins vs. Kingston vs. Swagger vs. Ziggler vs. Ambrose vs. RVD/MITB '14
Austin vs. Love/ Over The Edge '98
Hardyz vs. Edge & Christian/No Mercy '99
Benjamin vs. Punk vs. Carlito vs. Jericho vs. Kennedy vs. MVP vs. Morrison/Wrestlemania XXIV
Edge vs. Christian vs. Kane vs. Jericho vs. Benjamin vs. Benoit/Wrestlemania 21
Jax vs. Banks vs. Emma vs. Brooke vs. Bayley vs. James/Raw 6-27-18
Cena vs. Rollins/Summerslam '15
Edge vs. Guerrero/Smackdown 9/24/02
Cena vs. Owens/MITB '15
Batista vs. HHH/Vengeance '05
Flair vs. Michaels/Wrestlemania XXIV
Cesaro vs. Ambrose vs. Owens vs. Jericho vs. Del Rio vs. Zayn/MITB 2016
Banks vs. Asuka/Raw 1-29-18
Joe vs. Wyatt vs. Rollins vs. Reigns vs. Balor/Extreme Rules '17
Michaels vs. Angle/Vengeance '05
Cena vs. Owens/Elimination Chamber '15
Shield vs. Evolution/Extreme Rules '14
Bryan vs. Orton vs. Batista/Wrestlemania XXX
Jericho vs. Benoit/Royal Rumble '01
Cena vs. Edge/Backlash '09
Rollins & Ambrose vs. McIntyre & Ziggler/HIAC '18
Guerrero vs. Angle/Wrestlemania XX

Nobody discounts WWE's legit contribution to wrestling's most magical and unforgettable moments.  The iconic promotion has delivered more than their fair share of classics and in the years to come, hopefully this will continue in the house that Vince built. Until next time folks!

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